Garrett made it through surgery yesterday without any problems. Thanks for thinking about him!
He was actually inerested in eating a little bit last night, but he insisted on wearing his sunglasses during the process. Whatever you want, my child, so long as you eat.He is pretty fussy today. He's pretty much refusing to swallow his own saliva, so this is proving to be a difficult day. When he sees me coming towards him with a drink, he starts hitting me. Isn't he sweet? I'm being patient, because I know he's miserable, but I am concerned about keeping him hydrated.
He refused to let me hold him this morning, even though I knew that he would fall asleep if he would just let me rock him for a few minutes. This is how I found him a few minutes later:
He's standing at the couch, leaning over with his blanket, and sleeping to the point of snoring! I picked him up and put him to bed for a two-hour nap.
My mom is here so that I can try to nap, so I better pull myself away from the computer. Talk to you later.
OMG, that is the cutest photo ever! Oh, to be able to sleep like that...
Poor little man. It's been a rough go for both of you I'm sure.
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