The First Day

I'm sitting in a quiet house. So quiet, in fact, that I need to turn on some music. Excuse me for a minute....

That's better.

I thought I would love a quiet house, but it doesn't seem quite right today.

So, yes, today is the first day of school. The boys were all very excited when Daddy and I got them up this morning. See....
Don't click to enlarge on the above photo. You might see food chunks in Liam's braces. He asked for his all-time favorite breakfast of warm granola.

And Jack followed in his footsteps.
Garrett asked for his fave...waffles. I slaved over the toaster for him. Thankfully, he doesn't care if I actually make them from scratch or pull them out of the freezer.
After breakfast, they got dressed and took care of their morning chores. Everyone was dressed and ready to go thirty minutes early. Never fear; it'll never happen again. By Friday, we'll be running around like chickens with our heads cut off.

The obligatory "first day of school" picture:

Garrett (kindergarten), Liam (2nd), Jack (kinder)

And their backpacks:
I had to take a quick pic of the boys walking to school.
I thought it was funny that Jack was leading the pack. He's the only one that had to run back to me for an extra hug and kiss once I got him to his class. He needed a little reassurance, but he never stopped smiling.

And Liam was sticking close to me on our walk, but once we got to the campus, he was leading the way as a good big brother should.
I didn't take any pictures once we were inside. (I already have pics of their teachers, but I'm not sure I should share without asking them.) Anyway, it was mass chaos inside. Bewildered moms with screaming toddlers in tow. I saw a few moms with tears, too. Poor things.

As for me, I did NOT cry. In fact, I had to contain my excitement, because I felt like doing cartwheels all the way to my car. Not that I can do a single cartwheel, but ya know....

I went straight to the gym and ran a few errands before coming home to this quiet house. A quiet, clean house is nice, but I will be happy to pick up my loud and messy boys in an hour. I can't wait to hear all about their first day!


With Pure Joy said...

The last pic of them in front of the school sign gives me a glimpse of what Liam will look like as a teenager... so handsome! and G and J are looking adorable too.

Bee Jay said...

So glad first day got off to a good start. That's the most important thing isn't it? Then to have them home full of what's their day's been like is extra special. Blessings!