Tell Me About Your Day

I recently read about a clever bedtime tradition here. In addition to bedtime prayers, Katherine asks each one of her kids to tell her about their day. Although I've never met Katherine, I keep up with her blog and thought that this was a great idea. I told my hubby about it, and he enthusiastically agreed. We began the "Tell Me About Your Day" tradition right away, and we've come to really enjoy it.

So here is a reenactment of last night. The boys have put away their toys, and each is clad in pajamas and freshly brushed teeth. Daddy and I call them to come sit with us. We sit in a circle with Garrett in my lap, Jack in Daddy's lap, and Liam between us.

Mommy: Liam, tell us about your day.
Liam (3 1/2 years): We went to the library and got some new books. And we ate chicken nuggets for lunch. And we played outside!
Daddy: Cool.
Mommy: Garrett, tell me about your day.
Garrett (22 mos.): Library. Play outside. Play Aggie bat.
Mommy: Yes, you did. Very good, Garrett. Jack, tell us about your day.
Jack (23 mos.): (inaudible, inaudible)...outside...(inaudible, inaudible)
[Mommy & Daddy look at each other to see if the other parent understood any more than outside and baseball. No? No.]
D: Okay, good job boys.

Now, it's a basic conversation, given the ages of our kids. But I believe that this tradition will do the following for our family:

  • Cause us to all slow down for a few mintues to reflect upon our day's activities.
  • Give our boys the opportunity to show us what is most important in their lives.
  • As the boys grow up, it will allow them to voice what might be troubling them at school, with friends, etc.

What is your family bedtime routine? Click on "Comments" below and tell me about it.


Shalee said...

You mean other than my praying that the time would hurry up "just a little bit" so that I can spend time with Mr. Right?

Oh, then it would be our song and prayer time as we snuggle with our kids on the bed.

Oh and Ami, welcome to the blogging world!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Bloggityville! You're doing a great job.

Our tradition (and we usually do it at dinner, not bedtime) is to go around the table and everyone tell the best and worst part of their day. It's helpful and specific!

Katherine@Raising Five said...

Hi Ami,

I'm glad you are starting this tradition with your precious boys. Something about the lights being low and not having distractions that makes it so special.

Thanks for visiting me and for your encouraging comment. Welcome to this crazy blog world - maybe sometime we will get to meet!