About three weeks ago, a producer called and asked if Lil Wash could help make a commercial for Southwest Airlines with the Rangers.We agreed to pull him out of school for the afternoon in exchange for some tickets.
Only one parent was allowed to follow Liam around for the commercial, and I think Rick realized that I would never, ever forgive him if he took our son out onto the field again, so he gave me the honors. It was another moment where I needed to pinch myself, as I watched my little boy walk around the field and perform for strangers with cameras.
One of the producers walked him around to show him what he wanted Liam to do. Basically, they wanted him to be Ron Washington in his pregame mentality. So Liam put his finger over his mouth and looked deep in thought.He's very good at looking pensive.
The producer said, "He's a natural, and he takes direction so well. I think you should put him in acting classes soon!"
I think we'll stick to baseball and Halloween costumes.Part of Liam's role was to "interview" Nolan Ryan, but we had some time before he came down. While we waited, we sat on Wash's bench and enjoyed the view.
Liam also found the stash of sunflower seeds, so he picked a packet for himself. One of the security men noticed that Liam chose Ranch flavor and said, "That's Ron Washington's favorite flavor." Who knew?!
It was about this time that we noticed where Rick and Garrett were sitting. (Jackson chose to go home with his grandmother instead.) We waved at Daddy and G.
If you close one eye and maybe stick out your tongue and then look to the left of the ESPN sign, you might see two blue spots. Those would be our people.
Our waiting continued, but I got this fun pic. He's sitting in Ron Washington's spot, chewing Ranch sunflower seeds, watching the players warm up. Classic.
We were also able to get some fun autographs. Jackie Moore here:
Josh Hamilton, Ian Kinsler, David Murphy to name a few others.
Mr. Ryan came down, and Liam talked to him quite a while. I have no idea what they said to each other, since I couldn't hear them. And when we ask Liam what he and Mr. Ryan talked about, he shrugs his shoulders.It's all in a day's work, and he just can't seem to remember all of the details.
Meanwhile, I was busy taking pictures of Michael Young, who stood 5 feet away from me and practiced his swing.He pretended to not notice me.
But Captain did notice us.And so did THE Wash.
Once again, he was most gracious to us. He signed the boys' balls and took time to really talk to us. He seems genuinely interested in Liam.
As we were leaving the dugout, I told Wash, "We're so pleased with the Rangers' start to the season." He said, "Oh, thank you. I hope we can keep it up." Me too, me too.
(By the way, Liam's mustache is horribly off. Do you know how hard it is to find a variety of mustaches around Easter?)
If you fly Southwest Airlines, look for Liam's commercial. He's helping them to promote their new in-flight WiFi program.
Lil Ron Washington and Southwest Airlines
Posted by
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Labels: Lil Ron
Turning Eight
8 years ago today, we received the phone call announcing that a peanut had been born for us. Even though we couldn't see him for five days, we were in love and beyond excited.
Now, I can hardly remember what life was like without my Liam.We began celebrating yesterday, and it was his turn to be beyond excited. He could hardly hold himself together in church. All he could think about was the cake, the CAKE.
And the CAKE did not disappoint.
This little character...where did we get him?
And this one...don't let either one of them fool you into believing they're all that. Cuz they'll tell you they're all that and MORE.
As part of his birthday/Easter celebration, Liam asked for an Easter egg hunt. I was surprised he didn't think he was too old for that.More sugar. Oh yea.
This morning, he asked for his usual breakfast of warm granola and chocolate milk. He's so easy to please.Chocolate cupcakes for his classmates...
and playing his own baseball game tonight will top off the day.
Liam, I am so proud to be called your mom. You are kind and compassionate and growing up to be such a fun young man. I love you, Peanut.
Posted by
Monday, April 25, 2011
Labels: Liam
Making a Case for the Abandoned Blog
I've had a few friends ask if I'm okay, since the blog has been abandoned. I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'm just a baseball mom, and that's the way baseball go.
Garrett is playing for the Angels this year.He is an angel in real life most of the time. Ahem.
He's loving the sport even more this year, and I think he has big aspirations for MLB someday. The MLB may want to remember him. My only request, MLB, is that you allow him to live with his mommy forever, because I'm not sure he and I will be able to part EVER. Furthermore, MLB, he's quite the leftie and making many plays this year. His favorite positions are pitcher, catcher, and 1st base. I may be biased as his mommy, but he's the best little Angel out there.
Liam is a Dirtbag again this year. Of course, he's still loving the sport. He's enjoying 1st, 2nd, and left field this year. His hitting is improving by the day, and we're anxiously awaiting his first official homerun.It might appear that he is crying in the above photo, but rest assured that we have taught him there are no tears in baseball. Instead, he decided to use eye black to paint his number (14) on his cheeks for the first game.
Jackson, if you'll remember, chose Jiu Jitsu over baseball this year.However, two weeks into baseball season, he was regretting his decision. Raise your hand if you could see that coming.
Yea, I know. I saw it, too, but we needed to let him try something new. But just last week, he told me that he didn't really think he would miss Jiu Jitsu, so I pulled him out immediately. Why waste the time and money? Guess who will be playing fall baseball?
Baseball is not the only culprit for the chaos in our home. About 3 weeks ago, this photo jumped onto my cell phone, and I have no idea how this happened, but we have a new puppy.If I blink away the fog in my mind, I seem to remember a conversation between Rick, Liam and myself. It went something like this:
Liam: Mommy, I love dogs. Can I have a chocolate lab?
Me: WHAT?!?! NO!
Rick: Mommy, hear him out.
Liam: Mommy, Winston loves you and follows you around. I want a dog that loves me and follows me and sleeps with me.
Me: Liam, we have a dog. Yes, Winston prefers me, but we don't need another dog. We are too busy with baseball and school, and two dogs are hard to travel with. Winston is the perfect dog...small, playful, loving.
Rick: Mommy, he's an animal lover just like you. How can you deny him? This would be a great way for him to learn some new responsibilities.
Yadda, yadda, yadda.
I kept saying no, but we somehow wound up with a chocolate lab that Jackson named "Marshall".Yes, he's cute and all that. And the boys, especially Liam and Garrett, love him.
No, he doesn't sleep with Liam, because he's still waking SOMEONE up at 2am for a potty break. That someone would not be the two males that begged for him. (Now, Rick will pipe in here to say that he helps sometimes, but you and I know that I'm the one getting up MOST nights with the little darling.)
Cute?Yes, cute.
Is he loved? Yes. Is he a lot of work? YES. Is anyone regretting this decision? Yes, but they will remain nameless and work with him to make him a well-behaved member of the family.
So now, this busy family takes a puppy and his bag of chew toys to every game.
I must run and take my new sidekick on a potty run. I'll be back with a Lil Ron update.
Posted by
Tuesday, April 19, 2011