Merry Christmas

From our family to yours,

Remember that this holiday is not about the gifts and the busyness. What God really wants is YOU!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16

Let It Snow!

Let it be known that it SNOWED on December 2, 2009!

I don't remember a time in my life where it's snowed this early in Texas. It was only a dusting, but it's snow nonetheless.

Since it was in the 70s last week and the 50s the day before this snow, it didn't last long. But we're still rip-roaring excited about it, and the boys are hoping for "lots and lots of snow next time". Me too!

When we went out to take these pictures, Winston picked up on all of our excitement and wanted to join us outside. When we lived in Colorado, he loved to play in the snow. He would run and play in it while I shoveled the driveway. I think he remembered those fun times, because he ran through the yard like a maniac this morning. But two minutes later, I found him by the garage door:
"Mom, pleeeeease let me inside. My aching bones aren't what they used to be."

After we took Liam to school, the littles and I went to the gym and returned home for hot chocolate by the Christmas tree.
(Do you think I actually let them drink hot chocolate by the tree...on the carpet?! No way! We drank it at the table and staged the photo afterward.)

If you look close, you can see a hot chocolate mustache on Jackson. Teehee.

Right here is where I'm going to admit that I am prideful about already having my tree up and fully decorated. It's been up since the day after Thanksgiving. And my Christmas shopping is almost finished. Yes, I'm proud. Please forgive me while I relish in the lack of stress ahead of me this month.

Family Time

Who said the calendar could roll over to December??? Where has the time gone? Not only am I having a hard time understanding how it's already December, but I'm really confused how 2009 will be over and done with in less than a month!

Before December came roaring in like a train wreck, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving break with my extended family. While I was contemplating how I could wrap up our week with family, food, and fun, I decided that it could all be summed up like this: we spent the week loving on our family. That may not be a very creative summary, but it's very true.

See for yourself....

Jack loved on Uncle Ben. (My boys climb on any male that's at least 5' 7". My brother is 6' 2", so they think of Uncle Ben as their personal climbing tower.)
I loved on my Edie girl.
Lordy, I love that girl! And there's just so much to love on her!

Liam loved on Daddy. (Rick tried to take a pre-turkey nap, but he quickly realized that ain't happenin'.)
Garrett loved on his Didi, who made a smashing meal for turkey day.
And I loved on Edie some more. I was in heaven.
Edie loved on her namesake, too.
Look at her tights. Are those not the cutest things you've ever seen?! Edie's momma has a lot of fun dressing her.

And I had a lot of fun loving on her. Oh! I think I said that already.

Maybe Thanksgiving should also be dubbed love on your family because life is too short.